Monday 21 August 2017

Leftover Pie in Pebble Magazine

Pebble Magazine is the perfect read for eco friendly living. Featuring articles on eco holidays, sustainable eating, ethical fashion and all the latest green innovation,

 "pebble is about how we want to live, the world we want in the future, our dreams and desires." 

Here is the link to Leftover Pie's 7 Ways to Reduce Your Food waste.

Why not pop into the "no plastic cocktail bar" while you are there too.

Monday 7 August 2017

10 top tips for reducing food waste

I’m often asked for my top 10 tips on reducing food waste, so here you have them.
  1. The big number one tip has to be…  Buy less food! Try to think of each shopping expedition as one where you will buy the minimum amount of food to get by rather than one where you are going to fill your trolley and pack your fridge full to bursting.  It is a small change in mindset that makes a huge difference.